unwind and relax with tea

Image of tea and a person reading a book

Traditionally, tea has been used as both a pick-me-up and relaxant for centuries and it is one of the world's most loved beverages. It has long been known for its soothing and relaxing properties. Whether you're looking for the perfect breakfast tea to set yourself right, to unwind and relax with tea after a long day or simply take a break throughout the day, tea can be a powerful tool for relaxation. (Although, we can't forget the fact that tea also just tastes great!)

One way to relax with tea is by taking time for yourself. Whether it's reading a book, journaling (we have our own tea-inspired mindfulness journal here), or simply sitting in silence, taking time for yourself can be incredibly restorative. 

One of the most powerful ways to relax with tea is through meditation - but you don't need to go all woo-woo and start chanting, with your legs crossed! Meditation is really just mindfulness, where you sit quietly and focus on your breathing. Tea can be the perfect excuse for you to stop, breathe and centre yourself.

Tea can be a great way to relax either privately or socially. Whether you're enjoying a cup of tea by yourself or together with friends and family, tea can be the medium by which you are able to take stock of your surroundings and appreciate the richness of your own life.

relax with tea: aroma and temperature

Image of a couple relaxing together with tea

The varied aroma and temperatures are another point of interest. The aroma of tea can be very soothing and different teas are best brewed at different temperatures to fully appreciate this.

Green teas are typically brewed at between 80°C - 90°C so as not to "burn" the aromas from the delicate leaves and allow the leaves to give off a more floral or grassy scent. Oolong teas are brewed between 90°C - 100°C, and black tea at 100°C. Aromatic herbal teas such as Jasmine tea, lavender tea, and peppermint tea need a higher temperature (100°C) and longer brewing time to really make the most of their magical scents and release their essential oils.

In summertime, it is wonderful to take time out to relax with an ice cold infusion of your favourite tea.

herbal teas for relaxation

small image of chamomile growing in fields

Almost any tea is suitable if your sole purpose is to sit and relax with it however, there are some that naturally lend themselves to helping you unwind. Namely, the herbal teas and herbal tea blends that are formulated specifically for relaxation, and to help you sleep.

Chamomile is probably the most well-known relaxation tea in the world. Our Premium Chamomile flowers are field picked and dried and when used in tea they are steeped for around 5 minutes at 100°C to fully release their honey-like floral aroma and active ingredients. Herbalists regularly recommend chamomile or blends containing chamomile - it is a very effective, relaxation tea. Read on here for more information about Chamomile tea benefits.

Lemon Balm tea is another popular tea for relaxation. Lemon Balm contains compounds that have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, making it a great option for those looking to calm their mind and body. It also has a refreshing and uplifting flavour, making it a great option for those looking for a tea that can help them refresh.

Lavender is another great tea for relaxation. As a strong flavour you need to test for yourself just how long you want to steep it for. Lavender has a calming effect on the mind and body, making it a great option for for those looking to reduce stress and anxiety. Breathing in the lavender aroma while enjoying the tea is very soothing.

Herbal tea blends such as our Nightime blend, or Nighty Night - a naturopath blended herbal relaxation tea - contain other ingredients known for their calmative properties such as Valerian, Hops, Skullcap or Passionflower. Valerian root is a natural sedative and can help to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and a restful sleep.

Tea can be great for relaxation. Choose the one that best suits you.

So, relax, breathe, and let the tea work its magic!


Calm Tranquility Blend

Nighty Night

Nightime Blend (rooibos base)

Premium Chamomile

Organic Peppermint

Relaxation Blend

Stress Less Blend

Any of our Decaffeinated Teas

Image of a lady standing by a table, drinking tea

Now, over to you! how do you like to relax with tea?


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Reflections in Tea Book Cover

Reflections in Tea A Mindfulness Journal is an un-dated writing journal with over 147 tea-inspired mindfulness prompts to encourage you to take time to reflect, in the present moment.

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